Friday, September 12, 2008


The article that I read discussed the pros and cons of blogging. The main advantage to blogging is found in the business world. Businesses are able to post information about their products and receive feedback from the customers. The article claims that this can help build loyalty of customers. Also, blogs are available through search engines. This helps your information reach more people than it would compared to a newsletter.
The article also mentioned that blogging may not be so great because anyone can make one. This free access leads to large amounts of low quality blogs that must then be filtered through. Also, businesses must be consistent with updates if they want people to follow their blogs. This can soak up a lot of time.
Before this class, I had only heard of blogging in the twix commercial. You know, the one where the guy asks the girl if she wants to go back to his place and then saves himself from a smack down by explaining that he thought that she would want to blog about her ideals. Other than that, I had no knowledge of it. I still don't really see the point in blogging because I am not really interested in people' s random thoughts. However, I do see how it is an advantage for online businesses. When searching for an article I actually ran into several people's blogs and thought it interesting how they popped up like actual websites. Definitely an advantage for businesses because they can spread their name through those search engines. So overall I believe blogging to be an advantage for businesses and a weird look into some stranger's life for normal everyday people who are blogging on it. Hey, it's my opinion.

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